About Alpine Elementary School

The Alpine Elementary School is a learning community of professionals and 770 students enrolled in Preschool through Second grade where parents are informed and involved participants in their children’s education. Core subjects are taught in thirty-five self-contained classrooms where learners at varying levels of ability meet each day. In addition, classes are provided in Art, Music, Physical Education, Spanish, STEM, and Library skills.

At Alpine Elementary administrators and teachers are committed to Academic Excellence. The staff is dedicated to researching, writing, and producing curricula aligned to the New Jersey Learning Standards. In order to offer our students the most current, rigorous, and researched-based instructional and assessment strategies; curriculum revisions were made to English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Technology, and Enrichment (S.T.E.P.). Emphasis is given to providing our students with the foundational framework needed to prepare them to meet the future demands and requirements for college and career. It is our goal to create lifelong learners who can successfully navigate an ever-changing global environment.

Professional development opportunities throughout the year are focused on Google Apps for Education, NGSS, enVision Math 2.0, multi-sensory reading strategies, readers’ and writers’ workshops, integrating writing, questioning and discussion techniques, cooperative learning, and differentiated instruction.

Technology is infused into daily lessons, which emphasize skill development, higher-level thinking challenges, problem-solving, and the search for new information. Each of the classrooms has interactive boards, a document camera, and access to one-to-one Chromebooks that are utilized daily to enhance instruction.

The Character Education program at Alpine Elementary School emphasizes a character trait each month. Good character habits are highlighted daily and celebrated monthly. The school guidance counselor offers lessons and small group counseling sessions.

At Alpine Elementary School we take pride in the achievement of our students and in the talent and dedication of our staff. Our goal is to motivate our students to become life-long learners and responsible citizens.

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