2025-2026 Important Registration Dates

Registration Open for 25-26 Lottery: February 3rd through March 3rd
Parent Notification: March 7th
Parent Acceptance Due: March 14th
Registration Paperwork Deadline: March 28th

Please use the links below to complete the preschool registration process. 

Steps 1 and 2 are mandatory.  Please fill out step 3 if applicable.  

  1.  Preschool Registration (open February 3- March 3, 2025)

    a. New Student Registration Checklist (all documents must be uploaded by March 28th)

    b. As of October 1, 2025: 

    i. Students who have turned three should be registered as 3F

    ii. Students who have turned 4 should be registered as 4F

  2.  Site Place Preference Form

    If this is not completed, the student will be moved to the bottom of the waitlist

  3. Free and Reduced Lunch Program Forms (if applicable)

    a. Click here for the 2024-25 Meal Application (English)

    b. Click here for the 2024-25 Meal Application (Spanish)