Drop-off Procedures
Parents should not drop off students before 8:35 a.m. If you transport your child to school please drive around the back of the building and unload at the Cafeteria doors.
Pick-up Procedures
Except for emergencies, no children will be dismissed in the time period between 2:50 PM - 3:20 PM. Parents arriving at our main office door later than 2:50pm will be asked to proceed around the building for the regular pick-up process.
Students being picked up will be dismissed to the Cafeteria at regular dismissal, 3:20 p.m. Please drive around to the back of the building and stay in your car. A staff member will bring your child to you and give you the sign-out sheet. Mohawk Avenue School will be using PickUp Patrol to organize pick-ups throughout the school year.
Justifiable reasons for early dismissal include:
Medical or dental appointments which cannot be scheduled outside of school hours
Medical disability
Family emergency
Court appearance
Such good cause as may be acceptable to the administration
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to place your children’s education and safety first.