Drop-off Procedures

Parents should not drop off students before 8:35 a.m. If you transport your child to school please drive around the back of the building and unload at the Cafeteria doors.

Pick-up Procedures

Except for emergencies, no children will be dismissed in the time period between 2:50 PM - 3:20 PM. Parents arriving at our main office door later than 2:50pm will be asked to proceed around the building for the regular pick-up process.

Students being picked up will be dismissed to the Cafeteria at regular dismissal, 3:20 p.m. Please drive around to the back of the building and stay in your car. A staff member will bring your child to you and give you the sign-out sheet. Mohawk Avenue School will be using PickUp Patrol to organize pick-ups throughout the school year.

Justifiable reasons for early dismissal include:

  • Medical or dental appointments which cannot be scheduled outside of school hours

  • Medical disability

  • Family emergency

  • Court appearance

  • Such good cause as may be acceptable to the administration

Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to place your children’s education and safety first.