Drop-Off Procedures
Buses begin to unload at 8:45 am, and Homeroom begins at 8:55 am.
Parents may drop off students beginning at 8:35 am. Please review the Drop-Off Map.
Please use the utmost caution navigating our parking areas - especially during very busy times including drop-off and pick-up.
Pick-Up Procedures
If you are picking your child up, please make sure that this has been indicated in Pick-up Patrol, and familiarize yourself with our Pick Up Map. Students being picked up will be dismissed to the Annex Gym at approximately 3:25 pm. Parents picking up their children must sign them out at the designated table in the Annex Gym.
Except for emergencies, no early dismissals are permitted after 3:10 pm. Parents arriving at our main office after 3:10 pm will be asked to follow the standard dismissal time pick-up procedures. Justifiable reasons for early dismissal include:
Medical or dental appointments which cannot be scheduled outside of school hours
Medical disability
Family emergency
Court appearance
Such good cause as may be acceptable to the administration
Please use the utmost caution navigating our parking areas - especially during very busy times including pick-up and drop-off.