Drop-Off Procedures

Buses begin to unload at 8:45 am, and Homeroom begins at 8:55 am.

Parents may drop off students beginning at 8:35 am. Please review the Drop-Off Map.

Please use the utmost caution navigating our parking areas - especially during very busy times including drop-off and pick-up.

Pick-Up Procedures

If you are picking your child up, please make sure that this has been indicated in Pick-up Patrol, and familiarize yourself with our Pick Up Map. Students being picked up will be dismissed to the Annex Gym at approximately 3:25 pm. Parents picking up their children must sign them out at the designated table in the Annex Gym.

Except for emergencies, no early dismissals are permitted after 3:10 pm.  Parents arriving at our main office after 3:10 pm will be asked to follow the standard dismissal time pick-up procedures. Justifiable reasons for early dismissal include:

  • Medical or dental appointments which cannot be scheduled outside of school hours

  • Medical disability

  • Family emergency

  • Court appearance

  • Such good cause as may be acceptable to the administration

Please use the utmost caution navigating our parking areas - especially during very busy times including pick-up and drop-off.