Sparta Township Public Schools is a Pre-K to 12 district serving 3,125 students in 5 buildings with a $69 million total budget. As a high performing school district, we are currently looking for high energy individuals to continue the tradition of excellence.
Current Substitute Vacancies for Board of Education Approved Substitutes
If you are an approved subsitute for the District and are interested in locating current substitute jobs, you can search for and accept available jobs, change personal settings, update your calendar, and personalize your available call times by visiting Aesop online.
In addition, you can call the Aesop system to access their automated voice instruction menu at 1-800-942-3767. Please note, Aesop will also make phone calls to substitutes to offer jobs. The administrative office has selected the following hours as standard call times when the Aesop service may call for substitutes: 5:00:00 AM - 11:59:00 AM in the morning and 5:00:00 PM - 10:00:00 PM in the evening.
*Note: Substitutes in our district, may access the HR Portal by clicking the below link.
HR Portal
Becoming a Substitute for Sparta Township School District
If you are interested in becoming a substitute for the District, please click here to view the requirements.
The Process
To become an approved substitute by the Board of Education for Sparta Township Public Schools, please click here to apply as external applicant. For questions, please contact Human Resources by emailing Alison Werkmeister.
Documents and Applications
Contact Information
Alison Werkmeister
Human Resources/Substitute Coordinator
973.729.2155 x1402
Email Alison Werkmeister